Device Details
As soon as Resolve Insights discovers a new device, collects information about it, and categorizes it, the device appears as a row entry in the Inventory, where we display basic information about each device for easy searching, filtering, grouping, and working with lists of devices.
See ::title for details.
For each device, Insights also collects detailed information that can be viewed by selecting a device from the inventory table. The Device Details window appears and the information in it depends on the device type, sub-type, and the collected data.
Basic Information
For each device, we are showing basic information on the left side of the Device Details window such as
- The organization and site under which the device was discovered,
- The device hostname and IP address/es,
- The device type, and sub-type categorization,
- Information about the vendor, platform, serial number, managers/parents, etc., if applicable,
- The Last Update Time when the information about the device was last changed,
- The Last Discovered Time when the device was last discovered by Insights. Last Discovered and Last Update times may differ because Insights can regularly discover the device, but nothing in the properties or configuration of the device has changed.
The Basic information about each device differs depending on the device type and the collected information for each device.
In addition to the basic information, we collect details for each device, grouped in separate tabs. Some of the tabs are specific for a given device type, or if we do not connect to a given device with a specific connector and do not collect specific information, the tab that should hold that information is not visible at all. The presence of a details tab and the information in it depends on the device type, the connector with which we have successfully connected to the device, and the collected data.
- Interface - applicable for compute and network devices. Provides a list of device interfaces, their names, IPs, physical addresses, etc.
- Services - applicable for compute devices. Provides a list of running services, and their classification as per the service configuration, the process name, and the associated CMDB id, if applicable. The service list is built and updated by the service flow discovery.
- Datastore - applicable for compute devices. Provides a list of attached data store partitions with detailed information for a set of storage properties such as type, name, ID, used space, disk name, etc.
- Detail - applicable for compute and network devices. Provides a list of device properties and their values. The set of properties varies based on the device type and collected data.
- Datastore info - applicable for storage devices. Provides a list of storage properties and their values, such as type, name, ID, used space, disk name, capacity, etc.
- User defined fields - applicable for all devices. Provides a list of user-defined fields and their values.
- Notes - applicable for all devices. Provides an option to manually add a free text user note to a device.
- Schedule - applicable for all devices. Provides a list of device and service flow discoveries in which the device is included, their names, the IPs on which the device was discovered in each request, the discovery type, status, and last started/ last completed time for each discovery (useful to identify when the device was last scanned by a particular scheduled discovery).
- Flows - applicable for compute devices. Provides a visual representation of the service flows running from and to the device. The service flow information is collected during the service flow discovery and details for each flow such as service name, source IP, source port, target IP, and target port, can be found upon hovering on the flow line, or by switching to Table view.